Under review

Linking to IMDb etc...

Mark Holoubek fa 11 anys updated by Moreflicks Help fa 11 anys 0

When you show a movie's scores in IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, etc; would it be difficult to add link to its relevant page on those sites?


Under review

Hey Mark! 

It is indeed possible - I'm not sure how it rates on the scale of difficulty though ;) I'll suggest it today in our team meeting and see what the guys say. 

Thanks so much for coming here and leaving your feedback - it really is appreciated :) 

Under review

Hey Mark! 

It is indeed possible - I'm not sure how it rates on the scale of difficulty though ;) I'll suggest it today in our team meeting and see what the guys say. 

Thanks so much for coming here and leaving your feedback - it really is appreciated :)