
Unable to scroll through the countries drop-down list.

Noel 9 ár síðan 0
Hey Guys!

You've got an awesome website going on here, however in case you haven't noticed or haven't been made aware of, the countries dropdown list only display countries up to 14 or 15 countries i.e. upto Mexico or Netherlands and does not allow for scrolling.

Image 3

I have tested this for you in various browsers; Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and can tell you that this is not a browser issue. Considering that the last post on this forum related to this particular issue was raised about 4 months ago and that this issue has not yet been resolved, I assume that all your efforts are focussed on enhancing the site and its services.

In view of this, I have identified the issue and a solution for you and would really appreciate if you implement the below fix at the earliest.

Image 4

Although it does render a vertical scroll bar, you may have to test it in all browsers and play with the min-width and max-height to ensure that the dropdown as a whole is rendered so that it delivers an amazing user experience.

Looking forward to see the fix implemented. Do let me know if you have any queries.
