
Filter by popularity/release date

Cody James 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Moreflicks Help 12 aastat tagasi 3

I love your site but we really need a way to narrow down lists so we can discover movies we'd like to watch for example having more than one filter. For example two filters could be only movies made in the year 2000 or newer AND only showing movies with at least an 8/10 rating. Hope this makes sense :)



We're working on more filters. If you have any further ideas then I'll be pleased to present them at our next team meeting. 

This would be a good feature to add for the 'genre' list, so when a user clicks a genre that user can than filter the list by rating and release date :)

I was going to suggest that too! Thanks :D


We're working on more filters. If you have any further ideas then I'll be pleased to present them at our next team meeting. 

I think this is absolutely necessary. I also think it would be great if the Movie/TV Show selection would be part of the filters so it wouldn't have to be defined for each search. So then when you search it would show both movies and TV shows and you can then specify by filter if you want.