A website that allows you to search Hulu & Netflix to find what you want to watch, now. 

I use Safari Version 5.1.7 and the "Genre" button doesn't work when i click it... any idea why?

Bill Malyk 12 years ago updated by Moreflicks Help 12 years ago 0

I use Safari Version 5.1.7 and the "Genre" button doesn't work when i click it... any idea why?

Moreflicks Help 12 years ago

Hello Bill - what OS are you running this version of Safari on? 


This site is amazing!! I've long been waiting for something like this!! Any chance you might release an API?

Jossay Jacobo 12 years ago 0

Pretty much said it in the title, API? :D

Under review

Little idea

Hassan Chai 12 years ago updated by Moreflicks Help 12 years ago 0

It would be nice if you could filter by language, like spanishspeaking movies, englishspeaking etc.. :)

Moreflicks Help 12 years ago

That would be pretty cool wouldn't it? 

How would you like us to do this? A simple Spanish movies list perhaps? 

Really looking forward to hearing your suggestion - thanks for taking the time to come here and leave your feedback :) 

Under review

I wish it were possible to search on subject matter.

Jenn Beast 12 years ago updated by Moreflicks Help 12 years ago 0

I'm a dancer and would love if I could search for "ballet" and find movies that are ABOUT ballet instead of just ones that have ballet in the title

Moreflicks Help 12 years ago

Hi Jenn, 

That's not a bad idea. We pull in "genres" via APIs that are available to us, and we're constantly working how we can utilise them. I'm not sure if a "Balltet" genre exists within the APIs that we use - but we can certainly look into it. 


Video content living on moreflicks.com as opposed to re-directing you to netflix, hulu, etc.?

Tim Walsh 12 years ago updated by Moreflicks Help 12 years ago 0

First of all I want to commend you on developing such an incredibly useful service, I've been looking for something like this for a while now and really appreciate finally finding one that does exactly what I want. 

I don't even really think this is possible as there are probably restrictions with copyright content but, is it possible to have all of the videos live directly on your website as opposed to jumping to netflix/hulu/etc.? Is this something that was considered during development? If so, what prevented you from going in that direction? Thanks!

Moreflicks Help 12 years ago

Hey Tim, 

Thankyou! I'm glad we've filled a gap in your life - please tell your friends :D 

Sadly the terms and conditions of each one of the sites that we link to prevent us from doing this not only this but it's just not possible from an API point of view. 


Go Watch It queue integration.

Andy Craik 12 years ago updated by Moreflicks Help 12 years ago 0
Fantastic service - thanks. The one gripe I have as a UK netflixer (with international VPN access too) Is that whilst browsing movies there's no option to add to a queue list to watch later. As a solution I have signed u to the Go Watch It website and downloaded its app. This service would work brilliantly if linked to yours. I can just see an "add to Go Watch It queue" icon sitting next to each film very nicely. Any chance?
Moreflicks Help 12 years ago

Hello Andy and thank you for the compliment! 

With regards to a watch list - I have good news, it is on it's way and it's not long off in terms of time either :) 

Can I thank you for coming here and leaving us feedback. It really helps us gauge what people who use the site want to see, and helps us in our never ending quest :) 


Search Categories by Subject?

Sherry Ann Allen 12 years ago 0

I want to search Documentaries by subject.  Is that available on here somewhere and I am missing it?  Please let me know.  Thank you.

Under review

Crackle selection + IPhone

Michael Boundary 12 years ago updated by Moreflicks Help 12 years ago 0
I know the selection is rather piss poor, but could you add UK to Crackle. An iPhone friendly MoreFlicks experience would also be greatly appreciated.

As for the iPhone - we're working on a solution :) 
Moreflicks Help 12 years ago

I shall present the possibility of adding UK Crackle at our next team meeting and report back as soon as I have an answer :) 


Lord of the Rings No Longer Available.

Frank Kelch 12 years ago updated by Moreflicks Help 12 years ago 0

You have them listed for Norway, but none of The Lord of the Rings trilogy are currently available.

Moreflicks Help 12 years ago

We're working on fixing a couple of bugs we seem to have, thanks for letting us know. I'll update this when we have them fixed.