A website that allows you to search Hulu & Netflix to find what you want to watch, now. 

dusk till dawn on almost all Europe Netflix

Desdemona Van Tent 11 років тому 0
Yet it is not here

VUDU is not available in the UK

Daniel Harper 12 років тому оновлено Moreflicks Help 12 років тому 0

Might be worth tweaking the search facility based on your region? I got excited when I searched for ARGO, only to find it's on "VUDU" which according to their FAQ is strictly limited to US customers only. 

Moreflicks Help 12 років тому

Hi Daniel - thanks for stopping by :) 

You can un-tick the providers that don't apply to you. This way you can search what is available to you :) 


Please can you index Hoopla content too?

Iain Woolf 10 років тому 0

need a broken link report

Rene Skou 12 років тому 0

like fx "they live" dones not stream on netflix.


Cannot narrow search to USA only.

Spencer Jenkins 11 років тому 0
I just want to be able to use this site so search American Netflix... But when I try, absolutely no movies or TV shows come up. I'm pretty sure the US Netflix library is not empty.

American Hustle

Stephanie Marie Napier 9 років тому 0
Can you add American Hustle to your list of films please

Hi! Just what I have been looking for, is it possible to ignore for exampel iTunes store or Vudu in search options

Jakob Ugilt 11 років тому 0

Brazil has The Wolf of Wallstreet and The Butler for streaming.

Mahoney124 11 років тому 0
Check them out! 

Awesome site - love it. Really lacks a 'Star' or 'Wishlist' or something similar

Gareth Willmore 10 років тому 0

Missing Oscar winners

Mark Holoubek 12 років тому 0

Thanks for compiling Oscar winners. However, there are two significant holes. Your list has none of the shorts which have won (iTunes carries a lot of them). You also neglected any Foreign Language film winners!