House of Cards (original)
For whatever reason, the site doesn't appear to be aware that the original Ian Richardson series is available anywhere but in the U.S.
This seems to happen a lot when titles aren't searched exactly as the results may appear. I trust this is being worked out!

Hi Mark, we're aware of this bug, and we're working to find the solution,
Many thanks for giving your feedback - if you think of anything else - please suggest it

Not possible to see Netflix country
With the new design, it seems that you can no longer see which countries' Netflix have a movie. Previously, you were presented with a long list of countries when you hovered over the icon. Without this feature, Moreflicks has become a lot less useful for us.

There is now! Your wish is our command, just in time for Christmas. Go and check it out - tell us what you think. http://www.moreflicks.com

other people watched feature

No results when searching for "Cheers" although exists on Netflix USA

Thankyou for the bug report - every little one helps :)
EDIT: We've fixed several bugs related to the collection of titles. All good now, if you spot anymore don't hesitate to let us know!

Legend of Korra was added to Brazil

thank you
love this. much useful than siri tv. please support Amazon been waiting for 2 years or add epix since hulu and amazon use epix movie service as rumored. and last thing - can you create an app please. thank and more power
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